How To Handle Intangible Assets – Part II: Business Buyers Beware

If you are currently in the market to acquire a business or may consider such a move later, you will want to carefully consider intangible assets in your business valuation. While these assets have value you don’t want to ignore, you will also want to ensure you account for them in the most tax-favorable way…

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How To Handle Intangible Assets – Part I: Business Sellers Beware

If you are a business owner and are either currently considering selling your business or may sell it later on, you will want to carefully consider intangible assets in your business valuation. While these assets have value you don’t want to leave on the table, you will also want to ensure you account for them…

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What Business Owners Should Know About Valuations

If you own a business, at some point you are likely to need a business valuation. A valuation can play a key role in helping you achieve your financial goals. There are many reasons you might need a valuation—it may be to: Sell your business at a price commensurate to its value Provide a lender…

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Why Do You Need a Business Valuation?

Why would you consider keeping your business valuation current? You might be able to think of one or two reasons, but there are plenty: What if something calamitous were to happen to you as the business owner? It obviously would mean a major change. With an up-to-date business valuation, your family will have a much…

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Business Valuations: What Are They and Why Are They Important?

A business valuation is a formal statement of the full value of a business. It can take into account aspects such as: The company’s potential for revenue generation now and in the future. The company’s tangible assets, including property, equipment, and so on. The company’s intellectual property and other potential for development. The company’s liabilities,…

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Valuation Often Affects Succession Plans in Hard-to-see Ways

Succession Plan, assessment services, Tucson, R&A CPAs, CPAs, tax services, accounting, accounting services

Any business owner developing a succession plan should rightfully assume that regular business valuations are a must. When envisioning the valuation process, you’re likely to focus on its end result: a reasonable, defensible value estimate of your business as of a certain date. But lurking beneath this number is a variety of often hard-to-see issues.…

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