Payroll Tax Holiday and Unemployment Boost Are in Flux

On August 8, the White House issued a series of memorandums and executive orders to provide relief while Congress continued to debate legislative action. There are limits, however, regarding what can be done in the absence of congressional approval, and that has led to confusion about what exactly is being provided. The most significant and controversial provision…

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Strategic Tax Planning and Itemizing

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) made major changes that affect how individual taxpayers can claim deductions. For individual taxpayers, the biggest changes were (1) the increase in the standard deduction, which significantly raised the threshold for claiming itemized deductions; (2) the elimination of some itemized deductions (e.g., moving expenses) and the…

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It’s Never Too Early for Tax Planning

Benjamin Franklin once said “to fail to plan is to plan to fail.” This adage certainly applies to tax planning. Although the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) eliminated many deductions outright, there are exceptions. Certain deductions still exist but are being phased out, whereas others will expire after a set time. This…

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Taxpayers should be on the lookout for new versions of these two scams

With scam artists hard at work all year, taxpayers should be on the lookout for a surge of evolving phishing emails and telephone scams. Taxpayers should watch for new versions of two tax-related scams. One involves Social Security numbers related to tax issues. The other threatens taxpayers with a tax bill from a fictional government…

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The 5 Biggest Surprises for Businesses Arising from the New Tax Law

1) Owners of pass-through entities may get a significant deduction from the new 199A deduction, but it is a complex and time-consuming calculation. This new provision gives eligible businesses up to a 20 percent tax deduction on certain qualified business income. However, the new 199A deduction requires additional reporting for every pass-through entity. Because the deduction…

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FDII: Tax Reform’s Overlooked Benefit of U.S. Exporters

In an effort to boost the production of U.S. goods, the 2017 Tax Act introduced a Foreign Derived Intangible Income (FDII) deduction for tax years 2018 and beyond. But despite the deduction representing a significant reduction in tax rates, the benefit remains under-utilized. If your corporation exports goods or sells services outside of the U.S.,…

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4 Ways to Get (and Keep) Your Business Data in Order

With so much data flying around these days, it’s easy for a company of any size to get overwhelmed. If something important falls through the cracks, say a contract renewal or outstanding bill, your financial standing and reputation could suffer. Here are four ways to get — and keep — your business data in order:…

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