To ensure we fully serve our clients’ needs and remain up-to-date on issues affecting our clients, R&A CPAs is a member of the following professional and trade organizations:

Association for Accounting Marketing - A national trade organization of marketing, business development, and growth strategists established to provide education, community, and resources for accounting firms, CPAs, consulting firm marketing and sales professionals, partners, firm administrators, and representatives of businesses offering products and services to the accounting industry and marketing professionals.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - The world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession. With more than 418,000 members in 143 countries, it sets ethical standards for the profession and US auditing standards for audits of private companies, not-for-profit organizations, and federal, state, and local governments.

Arizona Construction Trades - A not-for-profit trade association and legislative voice representing over 177 specialty trade contractors and material suppliers in the construction industry.

Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants - Arizona’s leading professional CPA organization with more than 5,200 members and a mission to enhance the success of its members, and lead the profession through education, advocacy, and image enhancement.

CPA Firm Management Association - Founded to enable accounting firm managers to share the benefits of their experience. The organization also offers its member firms educational opportunities through local meetings and seminars, national conferences, publications and surveys.

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board - The PCAOB oversees the audits of public companies and SEC-registered brokers and dealers in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports. R&A CPA's is a PCAOB-registered firm.

Tucson Hispanic Chamber - To foster economic & societal conditions that allows both commerce and consumer to thrive in the bicultural region of the Arizona-Mexico border.

Tucson Metro Chamber - A membership-based business advocacy and community development organization that represents 1,500 businesses, employing more than 160,000 employees in Tucson and Pima County. The Chamber is committed to being the connector of leaders and influencers, a catalyst for business growth, and a champion for a stronger community.